Cronici albume

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Album review „The Moon Has Fallen” Alithia (release date: 26th of October 2018)

I discovered Alithia when I travelled in late autumn of 2017 in Budapest for Leprous and Agent Fresco show on A38Hajo. Till then I knew little about this Australian cosmopolitan

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Dream Theater – “Distance Over Time” (cronica album)

In primul rand, si vreau sa mentionez asta inca de la bun inceput, aceasta cronica va fi una atipica, deoarece nu am de gand si nici nu am intentionat vreodata

Cronici albume 0 Comentarii


At the end of last year both sludge based bands from Athens, Greece, Sadhus “The Smoking Community” and Last Rizla released their new albums via Fuzz Ink. Records and I

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Album review DISTORTED HARMONY: “A WAY OUT”(19.07.2018)

I start this review by telling you that I’ve found out about this amazing band not sooner than 2016, when I also have met my good friend Menno, during Artmania festival in Sibiu. After


Incep prin a va spune ca am aflat despre aceasta minunata trupa abia in anul 2016, an in care l-am cunoscut pe bunul meu prieten Menno, in timpul festivalului Artmania

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Cronica de Concert & Lansare de Album UCIGAN

In seara celei de-a doua zi a lunii decembrie a.c. In club fabrica din Bucuresti a avut loc concertul de debut al unei trupe concept, sau dupa cum au numit-o

BLOODWAY – „A Fragile Riddle Crypting Clues” (cronica de album)

In seara de 3 noiembrie, in Clubul Fabrica din Bucuresti a avut loc concertul celor de la Bloodway, cu ocazia lansarii celui de-al 3-lea album de studio, intitulat „A Fragile

Leprous – Malina (album review)

Malina is the new album of the Norwegian band Leprous. The album will be released on August 25th via Inside Out Music, the famous German independent record label. This is the