
Interviuri 0 Comentarii

Interviu cu Blutrina (Looney F**king Grind din Timisoara)

  1.Hello băieți! Intr-un final am reusit sa vorbesc cu voi dat fiind faptul ca pentru multi anul 2022 a fost un an destul de aglomerat. Cum vedeti voi intoarcerea

Interview with Ufomammut

1.Hello guyz and thank you for doing this! Very happy to meet you :) Let’s start with the beginning how was Ufomammut born? Urlo: It was the end of last

Interview with Bâ’a

First of all, thank you for accepting my invitation to do this interview. We are also very pleased with your interest in us and are very willing to answer your

Interview with Colin H. van Eeckhout (Absent in Body, Amenra)

1.Hello Colin and first of all thank you for accepting my invitation to do this interview. My pleasure. 2.Many people know you from Amenra but you started a new interesting

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Interview with RSDX (Hell Militia)

Hello RSDX , thank you for accepting my request to do this interview! How were things lately? Hell Militia were silent for couple of years but now it’s time to

Irfan Q & A Interview

Irfan is an ethereal world music band from Bulgaria, formed in 2001. Their sound is an original electro-acoustic world fusion, influenced by the sacred and folk music traditions of Bulgaria,

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Warmterviews: Interviu cu Walkways (video)

Interviu cu membrii trupei Walkways, trupa de alternative metal din Israel, luat la cald dupa concertul care a avut loc pe 29 iulie 2017  in cadrul festivalului Artmania din Sibiu, de catre colegul nostru

Warmterviews: Interviu cu Hidden In The Basement (GR) (video)

Interviu cu o parte din membrii Hidden in the Basement, trupa de stoner/metal din Larissa, Grecia, luat la cald inainte de concertul care a avut loc pe 15 iulie 2017  in Club Hybrid, de