Between Life and Death a lansat piesa It falls apart
Between Life and Death este un „one man” Post-Hardcore / Djent / Metalcore / Deathcore / Whatevercore din Romania. „It falls apart” este prima colaborare cu Dragos de la Seven Hills (ex: Before The Reign).
Piesa a fost lansata cu lyric video, pe canalul oficial de youtube BLAD. Grafica de prezentare a fost realizata de catre Valentin Marcenco. Between Life and Death se dovedeste a fi cel mai prolific proiect solo, reusind sa lanseze o serie de piese intr-un timp foarte scurt.
Intrati pe canalul de youtube si o sa descoperiti multe colaborari cu vocali cunoscuti din scena underground.
DOWNLOAD and Follow : http://tinyurl.com/j6ppad3
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Lyrics :
There comes a time in life
When you feel like you need to let go
Of some things that drag you down.
There comes that time in life
When you need to let go
Of those things that drag you down.
I’ve seen them change,
I’ve seen them losing their faith,
I’ve seen them turning one against another.
I’ve seen them change,
I’ve seen them losing their faith,
Losing their faith.
I’ve seen them turning one against another.
Even if they’ve sworn friendship and royalty for forever.
Letting go it’s only the beginning of it all.
‘Cause it comes back with the consequences.
But once you find the peace within yourself,
You can feel that it’s gone:
The pain, the guilt.
The pain, the guilt.
These things are meant to not last forever
It comes a day when it all falls apart.
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