Însemnări din Vitriol Miruna

Interview with Bipolar Architecture

1. Hello guys! I am happy you accepted my invitation to do this interview. How have you been? Are you excited to finally bring “Bipolar Architecture” to Romania for the

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Interviu cu Blutrina (Looney F**king Grind din Timisoara)

  1.Hello băieți! Intr-un final am reusit sa vorbesc cu voi dat fiind faptul ca pentru multi anul 2022 a fost un an destul de aglomerat. Cum vedeti voi intoarcerea

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Interview with Ufomammut

1.Hello guyz and thank you for doing this! Very happy to meet you :) Let’s start with the beginning how was Ufomammut born? Urlo: It was the end of last

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Interview with Bâ’a

First of all, thank you for accepting my invitation to do this interview. We are also very pleased with your interest in us and are very willing to answer your

Interview with Colin H. van Eeckhout (Absent in Body, Amenra)

1.Hello Colin and first of all thank you for accepting my invitation to do this interview. My pleasure. 2.Many people know you from Amenra but you started a new interesting

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Interview with RSDX (Hell Militia)

Hello RSDX , thank you for accepting my request to do this interview! How were things lately? Hell Militia were silent for couple of years but now it’s time to

Of Blood and Mercury- The other side of death album review

The only constant in life is change. This is something that we’ve been accustomed to quite a bit in the past year and a half or so. We’ve all been