Something For The Core V: Oathbreaker [BE] | The Rodeo idiot Engine [SP] | Charnia [BE] & more

Something For The Core V: Oathbreaker [BE] | The Rodeo idiot Engine [SP] | Charnia [BE] & more

Something For The Core se intoarce in perioada 15-18 septembrie 2016, cu trupele: Oathbreaker [BE], The Rodeo idiot Engine [SP], Charnia [BE] & Local Support. Evenimentul are loc in clubul bucurestean Fabrica. Mai jos pot fi gasite programul pe zile si mai multe detalii despre trupele care vor participa.

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15.09.2016 SFTC V – Day 1:
19:30 Open Doors
20:30 Killer Victim
21:30 Ropeburn
22:30 Void Forger
23:30 Charnia

16.09.2016 SFTC V – Day 2:
19:30 Open Doors
20:30 I Stared into the Fore
21:30 Coins As Portraits
22:30 Bastos
23:30 The Rodeo Idiot Engine
Afterparty – QM Night

17.09.2016 SFTC V – Day 3:
19:30 Open Doors
20:30 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
21:30 The Dignity Complex
22:30 Drop Out Of Life
23:30 Oathbreaker
Afterparty w Georgi Dimitrov (Strange and Fresh Bookings, Expectations)

HC RO, member of the 7inc team

something for the core 5

Anterior Concert: Rivers Run Dry, Void Forger, Killer Victim, 5 august @ Quantic Club
Înainte TBA: concert lansare EP de debut in Underworld

Despre autor

Chaos 252 articole

"Chaos Lore" a fost un nickname tare fun in cei 3 ani in care am lucrat la alt metal webzine local, asa ca am decis sa pastrez o parte din el aici. Jurnalist de profesie, specializat bine pe nisa muzicala, si nu numai, sunt activa in online inca din 2004 (cand am inceput cu un blog), iar din 2007 am inceput si sa lucrez in online.

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